The mechanism of movement in a medium of the intermediate layer between the contacting bodies

Received  27 March 2015; Accepted  08 July 2015
This paper is written in Russian
Citation: R. Goldstein. The mechanism of movement in a medium of the intermediate layer between the contacting bodies. Lett. Mater., 2015, 5(4) 414-419


Friction at the contact of bodies connected with the structure of the contact area - the appearance of degradation products in it, or severe deformation. Further interaction of bodies through the elements of the structure of the intermediate layer. The paper defines the conditions and the basic mechanism controlling the formation of the structure at the interface by friction when the interaction between the bodies is carried out by rolling between the structural elements of the intermediate layer (balls). The experimental simulation of the process and an analytical model of convergence of elements at the interface under shear with compression.

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