Improvement in the mechanical properties of titanium alloy VT6 by forming bimodal submicro-micro grain structure

E.V. Safin, S.P. Malycheva, R.M. Galeyev show affiliations and emails
Received 05 March 2014; Accepted 31 January 2015;
This paper is written in Russian
Citation: E.V. Safin, S.P. Malycheva, R.M. Galeyev. Improvement in the mechanical properties of titanium alloy VT6 by forming bimodal submicro-micro grain structure. Lett. Mater., 2015, 5(1) 94-96


In this paper we evaluated the possibility of increasing the mechanical properties of titanium alloy BT6 by forming it ultrafine structures with different grain size. Analyzed the prospects of using the strengthened state VT6 alloy for the production of highly machine parts with regard to their operating conditions.

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