Asymmetric deformation of linear elastic cylindrical shape material

A.M. Bubenchkov, M.A. Bubenchkov, T.I. Nikipelova, V.B. Tsyrenova, N.R. Shcherbakov, A.I. Potekaev show affiliations and emails
Received  15 April 2014; Accepted  29 April 2014
This paper is written in Russian
Citation: A.M. Bubenchkov, M.A. Bubenchkov, T.I. Nikipelova, V.B. Tsyrenova, N.R. Shcherbakov, A.I. Potekaev. Asymmetric deformation of linear elastic cylindrical shape material. Lett. Mater., 2014, 4(1) 62-67


This paper describes a computational technology realizing the problem of linear elasticity in cylindrical coordinates . Particular attention is paid to the area of contact between two bodies . Using the grids with exponential nodes location in all three coordinates is proposed. A significant effect of the pressure element shape on the stress distribution in the contact zone is proposed

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