Research of energy dissipaton ability of solid heat-resistant cellular materials (solid foams)

L.B. Pervukhin, R.D. Kapustin, P.A. Nikolaenko, A.G. Kazantsev, S.S. Smolyanin show affiliations and emails
Received 20 December 2013; Accepted 02 February 2014;
This paper is written in Russian
Citation: L.B. Pervukhin, R.D. Kapustin, P.A. Nikolaenko, A.G. Kazantsev, S.S. Smolyanin. Research of energy dissipaton ability of solid heat-resistant cellular materials (solid foams). Lett. Mater., 2014, 4(1) 28-32


Explored was the effect of solid foam lining on the deformation modes in the metallic shell. In calculation and computer modeling, we analyzed two the stresses arising in the metallic shell in the presence (a) or absence (b) of a protective foamy layer made of solid aluminosilicate refractory foam (VBF-650 brand). Computer-aided calculations were carried for a 3D model by the scheme of finite elements. In experiments, we could estimate the tangential and axial plastic deformations and the extent of foam densification. Experimental results were found to reasonably agree with calculated ones.

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