Primary recrystallization at various temperatures in rolled dual-phase Fe-Ga alloy

V.A. Milyutin, I.V. Gervasyeva, A.A. Kalonov, I.R. Strizhachenko show affiliations and emails
Received 19 November 2024; Accepted 22 December 2024;
Citation: V.A. Milyutin, I.V. Gervasyeva, A.A. Kalonov, I.R. Strizhachenko. Primary recrystallization at various temperatures in rolled dual-phase Fe-Ga alloy. Lett. Mater., 2025, 15(1) 30-35


A thermomechanical processing mode has been developed that ensures the required structure in the Fe-Ga alloy.Fe-Ga based two-phase alloys are a promising replacement for binary alloys because they have better mechanical properties and, in some cases, higher magnetostriction. To date, the processes of crystallographic texture formation in these materials have been poorly studied. For this reason, the modes for producing sheets from this alloy have not yet been developed. The deformation of Fe-Ga is complicated by its low ductility even after alloying. This work performed an experimental test of the rolling mode, which, according to the previous simulation results, did not lead to the sheet’s destruction. For this purpose, a complex experiment was carried out, including melting, deformation, and annealing of (Fe82Ga18)99B1 alloy to create thin (0.3 mm thickness) tapes. The structure and texture of the samples were analyzed using the EBSD method. The effect of temperature and recrystallization annealing regimes on crystallographic texture and magnetostriction was studied. It was shown that primary recrystallization at 750°C during 15 min leads to optimum texture. Thus, it is possible to create thin sheets with good functional characteristics by combining simple rolling and primary recrystallization without using complex technologies, such as high-temperature annealing in a special atmosphere. The developed regime of thermo mechanical treatment can be used in industry.

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1. Russian Science Foundation - 24-23-20075