The concept of quasineutrons and the synthesis of zinc from the extraction of a part of the material of copper electrodes during electric current discharges in an aqueous solution of NaCl

M.P. Kashchenko, V.F. Balakirev, N.M. Kashchenko, M.B. Smirnov, Y.L. Chepelev, V.V. Ilyushin, N.V. Nikolaeva, V.G. Pushin show affiliations and emails
Received 21 June 2020; Accepted 08 September 2020;
Citation: M.P. Kashchenko, V.F. Balakirev, N.M. Kashchenko, M.B. Smirnov , Y.L. Chepelev, V.V. Ilyushin, N.V. Nikolaeva, V.G. Pushin. The concept of quasineutrons and the synthesis of zinc from the extraction of a part of the material of copper electrodes during electric current discharges in an aqueous solution of NaCl. Lett. Mater., 2020, 10(4) 486-490


Energy spectrum of the main elements in the material:
a) electrodes (technical copper); b) particles of sediment powder containing zinc (particle 2 in Table 1)For aqueous solutions during the flow of intense electric currents, the formation of quasineutrons (p + e), bound states of protons p and electrons e, should be typical. Then, as the simplest products of nuclear reactions, one can expect the formation of elements that are adjacent (in the periodic table) to the elements in the electrodes. In the experimental setup, pulsed electrical discharges are carried out in an aqueous solution of NaCl with a concentration of 0.1 g / l using an oscillatory circuit tuned to resonance with the supply voltage (220 V, 50 Hz). As a material for hollow tubular electrodes, commercial copper was used. The starting potential difference is 650 V. The discharges were accompanied by precipitation. Along with the products of erosion of electrodes (Cu), there are particles with a significant proportion of zinc, the content of which varies widely, sometimes exceeding the copper content. This result testifies in favor of the existence of quasineutron states allowing the proton to approach distances of the order of the critical radius Rc~10−13 m for capturing the proton by the copper core. Particles containing nickel along with copper and zinc were also found. This can indicate both electronic capture with the formation of the Ni63 isotope (half-life T ≈100 years) and capture of the quasineutron with the formation of Cu64 (T ≈12.7 hours) followed by electronic capture and the formation of Ni64. The abundance of particles containing zinc (without Ni) demonstrates the preference for proton capture.

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1. Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation - state assignment No. 075-00243-20-01 of 08/26/2020 within the framework of the FEUG-2020-0013 theme "Environmental aspects of rational nature management".