Anisotropy of strain hardening of the E110 alloy

P.V. Fedotov, B.A. Kalin, E.M. Morozov, A.A. Mokrushin, A.V. Kostyukhina, R.N. Taktashev show affiliations and emails
Received 06 May 2020; Accepted 29 June 2020;
This paper is written in Russian
Citation: P.V. Fedotov, B.A. Kalin, E.M. Morozov, A.A. Mokrushin, A.V. Kostyukhina, R.N. Taktashev. Anisotropy of strain hardening of the E110 alloy. Lett. Mater., 2020, 10(4) 392-397


The true stress-strain diagram of alloy E110 in the axial and tangential directions.The purpose of this work is to examine the deformation behavior and mechanical properties of the E110 alloy at room temperature, as well as to test the hypothesis about the isotropy of its strain hardening. The following specimens have been used in the experiments: ring specimens (tensile in the tangential direction), and segmented specimens (tensile in the axial direction). The tests have been carried out at room temperature on a universal testing machine that meets the requirements of State Standard Specification 28840-90, with a speed of a traverse moving of 1 mm / min. The processing of machine deformation diagrams was carried out in a standard way. As a result, the mechanical characteristics of the specimens made of E110 alloy in the axial and tangential directions are obtained. In addition, hardening curves of the E110 alloy for the axial and tangential directions in the coordinates ln(σ / 1MPa)−ln(e / 0.002) have been made. The investigations carried out made it possible to determine the presence of several sections on the deformation diagram (two for the axial direction, and three for the tangential) described by power functions and differing in the degree of hardening. It was also revealed that: the strain hardening of the E110 alloy is anisotropic; in the initial section of deformation, the strength of the alloy E110 in the tangential direction is higher than that is for the axial direction, in the final section it is lower; the error of approximation of experimental data in the case of using piecewise power functions is 7 % for the axial direction, and 8 % for the tangential direction; in the case of using power functions with a constant degree of hardening, the approximation error increases to 14 %, and 27 % for the axial and tangential directions, respectively.

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