About transformation α→ε→γ and ordering of austenite in Fe-32%Ni alloy

I.G. Kabanova, V.V. Sagaradze, N.V. Kataeva show affiliations and emails
Accepted  15 July 2011
This paper is written in Russian
Citation: I.G. Kabanova, V.V. Sagaradze, N.V. Kataeva. About transformation α→ε→γ and ordering of austenite in Fe-32%Ni alloy. Lett. Mater., 2011, 1(2) 110-116
BibTex   https://doi.org/10.22226/2410-3535-2011-2-110-116


Electron microscopic research of metastable austenitic structure of Fe-32%Ni alloy trasformed to martensite and subjected to  α→γ transformation at slow heating (to 430-500ºС) with formation of different orientated austenite nanocrystals is executed. The electron diffraction analysis has revealed superstructure L10 in the disperse γ-phase enriched with nickel both after heating to 430°С, and after additional annealing at 280°С during 120 h. Simultaneously with γ-phase disperse ε-phase with HPC lattice which quantity increases with rise in temperature of slow heating is revealed. In the sample of Fe-32%Ni alloy (after slow heating to 500°С) along with usually observed Kurdyumov-Sachs's orientation relationships (OR) between α-phase matrix and the ordered γ-phase, are defined seldom Headley-Brooks OR.

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