The dynamics of 360 ° domain walls in weak ferromagnets in autoresonant mode

I. Kayumov, E. Shikhovtseva, V. Nazarov show affiliations and emails
Received 24 May 2016; Accepted 18 August 2016;
This paper is written in Russian
Citation: I. Kayumov, E. Shikhovtseva, V. Nazarov. The dynamics of 360 ° domain walls in weak ferromagnets in autoresonant mode. Lett. Mater., 2016, 6(3) 173-178


The magnet remains even when small portions of saturated previous domains, for example in the form of 360-degree walls. These domain walls in the center of which the magnetization is antiparallel to the external magnetic field, can serve as nuclei of magnetization reversal. Localized in the space of magnetic inhomogeneity in the form of a dynamic 360-degree domain walls are two-soliton formation of strongly interacting two 180-degree domain walls. In dynamic mode, the 360-degree domain wall has internal degrees of freedom associated with the motion of its constituent of 180 ° with respect to the walls of the system center. This work is devoted to the study of the generation of high-nonlinear oscillations 360-degree domain wall of a small-amplitude alternating field in anisotropic ferromagnets in autoresonant easy-plane mode. It was found that in weak ferromagnets can increase the width of the oscillation amplitude of 360 ° domain walls. It is shown that the dynamic stability and full control of the nonlinear dynamics of domain walls by alternating fields of low amplitude can be achieved by modulating the frequency of the pump field. Form steady nonlinear oscillations 360-degree domain wall is determined by the form of the function that defines the modulation frequency of the pump field.

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