Defects dynamics in roll structures of twisted nematics

V. Delev, E. Batyrshin, O. Scaldin, Y. Lebedev, Y. Timirov show affiliations and emails
Received 10 March 2015; Accepted 10 June 2015;
Citation: V. Delev, E. Batyrshin, O. Scaldin, Y. Lebedev, Y. Timirov. Defects dynamics in roll structures of twisted nematics. Lett. Mater., 2015, 5(4) 376-379


Dynamics of singular and nonsingular defects in the periodic structures of rolls arising at electroconvection in nematic liquid crystals twisted by π/2 has been studied. The emergence of non-singular defects is associated with an axial component of the velocity of the hydrodynamic flows whose direction is opposite in the neighboring rolls. At some voltage U>Uc both these struc-tural defects starts to oscillate. It is shown that the average frequency of the "zig-zag" oscillation decreases with increasing size of the defects.

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V. A. Delev, O. A. Scaldin, E. S. Batyrshin, V. N. Nazarov, E. G. Ekomasov. Jetp Lett. 109(2), 87 (2019). Crossref