On the formation of tritum from deuterium in titanium powder

D.D. Afonichev, T.I. Nazarova show affiliations and emails
Received  04 December 2016; Accepted  13 February 2017
This paper is written in Russian
Citation: D.D. Afonichev, T.I. Nazarova. On the formation of tritum from deuterium in titanium powder. Lett. Mater., 2017, 7(1) 17-20
BibTex   https://doi.org/10.22226/2410-3535-2017-1-17-20


The main proof of fusion reactions of deuterium nuclei is the presence of nuclear reaction products. When detecting tritium after saturation of titanium powders with deuterium reproducible results of its high concentration have been found. Titanium powders of two different batches have been used. According to metallographic studies, powder # 1 had an average particle size of d = 1105 μm; lazer diffraction analyzer of particle sizes registered one more maximum near the size of d = 0.2 μm. Powder # 2 was a sifted fraction with sizes in interval 80˂ d ˂150 μm. For powder # 1 the measured concentrations of tritum amounted about cT = (11- 14)∙103 dpm and for powder # 2 cT = (1.45-1.57)∙103 dpm, a concentration typical for deuterium used. An effect of the dispersity of initial titanium powder on the proceeding of nuclear reactions has been demonstrated. Earlier, a mechanism of interaction of deuterons in a metallic matrix by means of a resonance transfer of a neutron from one deuteron to the other has been proposed. One of the products of such an interaction is a tritium nucleus. Such a process can run in elongated defects. The cross dimension of such defects was not known, however. From an analysis of measurements of titanium powder particle sizes one can conclude that the optimum size of pores must be about d1 = 3∙10-8 m. During all experiments the levels of neutrons (Nn = 30±2 1/50 sec) and gamma quanta (Nγ = 700±15 1/5 sec) did not exceed the values typical for the room where experiments were carried out.

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