Renat M. Imayev

Dr. Sci., deputy director
Institute for Metals Superplasticity Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Ufa, Russia

Research areas

intermetallics, compozite, ultrafine-grained materials, grain size refinement, superplastic deformation


1. . Imayev R.M., Gabdullin N.K., Salishchev G.A. et al. Effect of Grain Size and Partial Disordering on Ductility of Ti3Al at Temperatures of 20oC to 600oC // Acta Materialia. 1999. V.47. p.1809-1821.
2. . Imayev R.M., Salishchev G.A., Imayev V.M. et al. Low-Temperature Superplasticity of Titanium Aluminides // Mat. Sci. & Eng. 2001. V.А300. P.263-277.
3. . Imayev R., Imayev V., Oehring M., Appel F. Microstructural Evolution during Hot Working of Ti Aluminide Alloys: Influence of Phase Constitution and Initial Casting Texture // Metallurgical Transactions. 2005. V.36A. P. 859-867.
4. . Imayev R., Imayev V., Oehring M., Appel F. Alloy Design Concepts for Refined Cast and Wrought Gamma Titanium Aluminide Based Alloys // Intermetallics. V. 15. Issue 4, April 2007. P. 451-460.
5. . Imayev V., Oleneva T., Imayev R., Christ H.-J., Fecht H.-J. Microstructure and mechanical propetries of low and heavy alloyed gamma-TiAl+alpha2-Ti3Al based alloys subjected to different treatments // Intermetallics. 2012. V. 26. P. 91-97.
Last updated on 03 November 2015