Temperature of polymorphic transformation of PT-3V titanium alloy produced by selective laser melting method

V.V. Pyaterikova, I.V. Pikulin, D.A. Kaydarov, O.V. Trusov, V.A. Khokhlov, I.S. Ryzhov, E.V. Schedrina, A.V. Samokhin показать трудоустройства и электронную почту
Получена 12 января 2024; Принята 07 апреля 2024;
Эта работа написана на английском языке
Цитирование: V.V. Pyaterikova, I.V. Pikulin, D.A. Kaydarov, O.V. Trusov, V.A. Khokhlov, I.S. Ryzhov, E.V. Schedrina, A.V. Samokhin. Temperature of polymorphic transformation of PT-3V titanium alloy produced by selective laser melting method. Письма о материалах. 2024. Т.14. №2. С.150-154
BibTex   https://doi.org/10.48612/letters/2024-2-150-154


Dilatograms of PT-3V SLM-specimen and a rod.Three research methods were used to measure temperature of polymorphic transformation of PT-3V titanium alloy produced by selective laser melting (SLM) technology, namely, computational, calorimetric and dilatometric. Comparison of the obtained PT-3V-SLM values with the PT-3V alloy produced by a hot-rolled stock technology showed that the PT-3V-SLM specimens have values of the α + β → β transformation higher than Tpt values indicated in references for the PT-3V alloy. Results obtained in the effort are new and contain scientific novelty and practical significance.

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