Rationale for signs of transformation in iron near 200°C

К.Ю. Шахназаров ORCID logo , Е.И. Пряхин, Е.Ю. Трошина показать трудоустройства и электронную почту
Получена 30 ноября 2021; Принята 12 сентября 2022;
Эта работа написана на английском языке
Цитирование: К.Ю. Шахназаров, Е.И. Пряхин, Е.Ю. Трошина. Rationale for signs of transformation in iron near 200°C. Письма о материалах. 2022. Т.12. №4. С.298-302
BibTex   https://doi.org/10.22226/2410-3535-2022-4-298-302


Changes in the microstructure of quenched pure iron after the tempering procedure for 1 hour at a temperature of 160 - 220 °C.The analysis of the literature data on the properties of iron and steels carried out in this work indicates numerous anomalies of physical and mechanical properties near a temperature of ≈200°C. Based on the thermal effect, changes in magnetic properties, anomalies of shear modulus, oxidizability, heat capacity, diffusion, Lorentz number, the transformation in iron at ≈200°C is justified, which may be the cause of a decrease in the magnetization of perlite, sorbitol and martensite, as well as the performance of high-hard low-tempered steel having almost the same hardness after quenching. The study was carried out on samples of practically pure iron (0.008 % C). The experiment (metallographic examination, X-ray diffraction analysis, metal deformation resistance (Gleeble-3800 installation) was carried out every 20 – 40°C. The experimental results indicate significant changes in the structure, as well as extreme values of the mechanical properties of iron (0.008 % C) and steels near a temperature of ≈200°C, which makes it possible to declare the transformation in iron and its derivatives — steels at this temperature. Recognition of the transformation at this temperature allows us to explain: the reason for the decrease in magnetization of perlite, sorbitol and martensite, the maxima of impact strength and hardness of iron, the disappearance of the yield point on the tensile curve of riveted steel after aging, the nature of irreversible tempering fragility (the nature of the latter, as well as reversible is still debatable), etc.

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