Features of twinning under high-speed loading conditions during explosion welding

В.В. Рыбин, Э.А. Ушанова show affiliations and emails
Accepted  24 April 2013
This paper is written in Russian
Citation: В.В. Рыбин, Э.А. Ушанова. Features of twinning under high-speed loading conditions during explosion welding. Lett. Mater., 2013, 3(2) 145-149
BibTex   https://doi.org/10.22226/2410-3535-2013-2-145-149


Systematic studies of the structures of deformation origin at micro-, meso- and macrolevels in a narrow bond zone of a joint made by explosion welding of two copper sheets are carried out. In the layers adjacent to the contact interface between the sheets the existence of plastic streams, or sections of abnormal localization of metal’s plastic flow, is revealed. Inside the plastic streams a fragmentation takes place. A specific feature of the fragmentation process is the active role of deformation twinning due to ultrahigh speed of severe plastic deformation.

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